Aug 11Liked by Emma Gunavardhana

Heaven as always. Virtual chat over morning coffee. Top looks great :)

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Love this! Thank you so much. Meant to schedule t for 8pm but obviously hit ‘am’ but maybe this is a better time? Love the idea of keeping you company with your coffee.

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I love morning but you do you!!!! Thank you so much Emma for your content. I had an idea actually. You've such a deep archive of podcasts and some end up being unexpectedly funny or unexpectedly profound etc. There's just absolute gems in that archive. You know the way you can get lists on line about Desert Island Discs episodes? (These are the funny ones, these are the controversial ones, these are the ones about weight loss etc). I think a few lists like that would reintroduce your archive to people!! There's a really early one with tanner James Read in a hotel room with bad sound quality that was just such such fun. I loved stumbling upon it!!! No pressure, just an idea xxxx

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This is such a good idea! I’ve been a bit down about how much good content there is in the archive but how ‘lost’ it is and hard to find.

I was actually thinking of going a series of ‘here’s why I loved this podcast’ and then re-sharing the episode with that added intro. This could be another way to get ears on older episodes too. Love it. Thanks!

(P.S. I kind of miss the days of questionable sound quality - those were such exciting times when it was all so new!)

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Aug 11Liked by Emma Gunavardhana

That's a cool idea. I love all your content. But if you were putting a list together here are my favourite themes

- woo woo (you're so balanced and journalistic and on the fence that you're actually brilliant at sounding these things out without being cynical - example an old tapping exercise)

- weight loss. Anything you have to say on the matter is gold.

- Women, leadership, personal impact.

- Beauty but only if the guest is into it. They don't have to know anything, they have to be into it. There was a mother lady on very recently I wasn't vibing off because she was almost like 'all that stuffs silly' but that's just me.

- Gossipy friendshipy the early days were hilarious for you clearly ringing up a mate, then thinking "no-one listens to these new fangled podcasts anyway" and you guys recording a chat and having a laugh. I LOVE THOSE ONES!!!! So good for keeping listeners company. If you're ever stuck in the future, just bring an industry mate on and don't overthink it

- Your more classic journalism ones where you go deep on a complex topic.

- Your challenges, I bloody loved the press up one or cold water one.

I'll stop there but I love loads more

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Oh wow! This is amazing. I am definitely going to pull a Substack together with these categories outlined. Thank you so much.

As a creator, I'm finding podcasting so much more of a challenge, because everyone's doing a press tour and is so rehearsed. The sort of off the cuff, never know what you're going to get elements of the conversations have disappeared a bit so this is a nice way to remember what those unexpected conversations were really like.

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Glowing ✨ Love this!

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