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It’s a shame you didn’t post this article a day or two earlier, then maybe I would have taken in your wise words and wouldn’t be feeling so rotten today.

As a 52 year old woman, whom until about 4 months ago, had a year off drinking alcohol, should know better, I started yesterday lunchtime with a couple of ‘unintended’ glasses of champagne which ended up with more wine, whilst watching the final of Strictly.

I slept awfully and woke up feeling all the usual symptoms one gets from the dreaded grog and to top it off I just ate all the carbs today and now slumped in bed telling myself how disappointed I am and what I need to do tomorrow to get back to some normal routine.

I can’t believe I still get suckered into the trap of feeling that I’m missing out or something’s going to taste different this time, I also realise that I’ve started to use alcohol in awkward social situations, (I’d rather just not drink and not go out).

The point is when I’m clear headed, I feel focused, eat better, sleep better and exercise regularly, like you said, Christmas is really one or two days, do we really need to be chomping down on a Panettone every week in December (guilty), no. Come January our socials will be full of diet and fitness so why make hard work for ourselves now.

Sorry if this sounds like a bit of a rant but I’m pleased I have read your article it has given me the kick start I need, nothing punishing, just sensible choices that work for me x

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